Simple Introduction to React.js

React is a library that used to create awesome user interface … hence it is a library it need some other tools to make a complete web application :
1 . Babel
Babel is an transpiler that convert our ES6/next generation code to ES5 and it’s also convert our JSX to react.createElement version .
2. Webpack
webpack is a code bundler that takes modules and bundles them into lower amount of web-readable static assets (HTML, CSS, JS) .
3 . React.createElement()
createElement() Create and return a new React element of the given type. This the alternative of JSX accullay under the hood every JSX element get converted into this format.
Example :
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';const element = React.createElement('div' , 'null' , 'Hello World')
4 . React.render()
the React.render() method used to render react element/component to the Browser DOM .
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';const element = React.createElement('div' , 'null' , 'Hello World');ReactDOM.render(element , document.getElementById("root"))
5 . JSX :
JSX is an extension to JavaScript that allows us to write function calls in an HTML-like syntax. JSX is basically a compromise, instead of writing React components using the React.createElement() syntax, we use a syntax very similar to HTML and then use a transpiler to translate it into React.createElement() calls.
const Button = () => {
return <button> Click Me </button>
Same thing in react.createElement() API :
const Button = () => {
return React.createElement('button', null , 'click me')
6 . Virtual DOM :
The virtual DOM is only a virtual representation of the DOM. Everytime the state of our application changes, the virtual DOM gets updated instead of the real DOM.
7 . Diffing Algorithm :
Diffing algorithm is that algorithm that work to compare between two virtual Dom and update to the real browser DOM based on the comparison result .
8 . Hooks
Hooks are special function , that can only be used React functional component not in class component. Every hook begins with the word “use” .
Example :
import React, { useState } from "react";const App = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
return <div> {count} </div>;
};export default App;
9 . Class Component :
Before Hooks are introduced to React, class component was only the solution to create stateful component , hence after inducing hooks, use of class components are reduced but we can still write our component in class syntax .
Example :
class Button extends React.Component{
return <button>{this.props.label}</button>
}ReactDOM.render(<Button label="Click me"/> , document.getElementById('root'))
10 . React Fiber
React Fiber is the new reconciliation algorithm. Reconciliation is the process of comparing or diffing old trees with a new tree in order to find what is changed or modified. In the original reconciliation algorithm (now called Stack Reconciler), the processing of component trees was done synchronously in a single pass, so the main thread was not available for other UI related tasks like animation, layouts, and gesture handling. Fiber Reconciler has different goals:
- Ability to split interruptible work in chunks.
- Ability to prioritize, rebase, and reuse work in progress.
- Ability to yield back and forth between parents and children to support layout in React.
- Ability to return multiple elements from render().