How to use firebase Authentication with React (part-1)

Hello world!
This article is about serverless Authentication with firebase authentication in react .
So what is firebase ?
firebase a cloud service by Google .. which have some features like Realtime database, Hosting, Auth, cloud functions etc . Which widely used by mobile and web application developers .
So in the article we are going to use one of important feature of firebase that is firebase auth to add user authentication features to our react app .
So let’s jump to work…
First of all let’s land on

Without further delay, let’s get started by clicking the Get started Button, it will ask you to Sign in with your google account , do that without hesitation .
you might be redirected to firebase console . Now your time is to find out “Create a Project”/ “Add a project”

here i got in front of eyes … let’s jump into it …

Here , it will ask you to provide your Project name , and it will automatically generate your project ID, don’t forget to check the firebase Terms checkbox and clicking on the continue button …

So here we go… They are offering us to use Google Analytics in our project.. let scroll down

So here I found the Enable/Disable button , currently I’m not focusing on this that’s why turning off , but you may enable if you need to . I can’t wait to click on the “Create Project” button … They are saying they are creating my app , okay I’m waiting … when ever I got the continue button then who hold me to click on that !

Here we go… I found the thing for what I had came in …

Here I had jumped over to Sign In Method tab , here you will see some hot sign in method, enable whatever you want , for now I would like to enable Email/password and the Google Sign in method …

Now …

Now lookover the gear/settings Icon and click on project setting … we will do something with it …

By then I had scrolled down and found this , they are saying There is no app in our project … so we will set up our project app type , in this case we are like to use for our web app so I should select the Code Icon , it’s mean Web …

Here they asked for app name , and they have also a check box on Firebase hosting , if you want to use firebase hosting then then you may checked that,
I’m Just Clicking on register App

And the 2nd step : I’m not looking on the code now I’m just going to click on “Continue to Console”

And again I had scrolled down and changed the radio button from “CDN” to “Config” , that’s the code we will need to use into our react app …
So it’s time to install firebase and configure it in our react app .
If you are using NPM then your command will be :
npm install — save firebase

So when it’s done … We will go through our react project directory and on the src folder we will create a file to paste the firebase config file … let’s named it as firebase.config.js

I had paste the config code and exported it for the further use … don’t forget to export it , we will need to import from another file/component
export default firebaseConfig;
I had saved the file and got out of that …
Now the time have come …
Now we will use firebase and firebase auth in our react component, if you want you can create a Custom Hook for Authentication stuff I’m not going to do that in this article (I will write an article on it , later) …For now I would like to use firebase auth in my App.js … for that I have to import something from firebase .
1st one is :
import * as firebase from ‘firebase/app’;
it’s mean the main firebase app , and second one what will we need that is firebase auth :
import ‘firebase/auth’;
you will found those reference from :
And One other thing that we had created … remembered?
the config file : firebase.config.js
import firebaseConfig from ‘./firebase.config’;
And the one work is left to get ready to work , that is App Initialization
So see how my codes look :

We are done with firebase config and all setup procedure …
This article had been too long … I will write nex part tomorrow…
Wait for the update ….